Africa Fire Mission

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AFM serving in Ukraine

By Nancy Moore

AFM has been serving in Ukraine with our partners Tavriski Christian Institute (TCI) and the State Emergency Services Ukraine since 2019.  Our team that trained in 2019 remembers standing on the front defense lines from Crimea into Kherson and thinking how frightening war would be in that area. While we trained the firefighter we offered encouragement and connection to spiritual and mental health.


The firefighters in Ukraine are kind, giving, creative and brave. We were offered amazing hospitality while we trained alongside them. Firefighters in Ukraine are tasked with not only fighting fire, but also with disarming/recovering undetonated explosives and with providing psychological first aid to their community. Due to these somewhat unique functions, they were uniquely prepared to serve their community during the war in Ukraine. 


Personally, Dave and I have been connected to Ukraine since the mid-90’s. Our church was providing support to churches and Christians in the post-Soviet era and helped to form TCI. TCI is now fully Ukrainian run and is the only accredited Christian College in Ukraine.   


Located in Kherson, TCI’s staff evacuated their campus on the first day of war and staff were dispersed to various locations to continue serving. As a result of the war, TCI immediately began making plans to modify their ministry to serve the current needs of the country and to help churches serve their communities. TCI has 3 focuses right now: 1) Assist with safe evacuations from dangerous areas in Ukraine (both refugees and internally displaced persons) 2) Support churches financially that are serving their communities with resources especially for food and medical resources 3) Provide spiritual and emotional support. TCI is planning strategically for the current crisis, and is also preparing for the long term needs for humanitarian aid, Christian witness and eventual rebuilding of Ukraine.   

TCI is on the front lines of humanitarian aid for Ukraine and many of AFM’s partners are collaborating to support their efforts. Please be praying for their efforts and for Ukraine: You can sign up for daily prayer updates throughout March through IDES > sign up here

If you are looking for an organization to give financially to support the people of Ukraine – I encourage you to give through TCI’s US forwarding agent sign up here.

Firefighters in Ukraine are serving their community during this war.   Search and Rescue, removing explosives, assisting with community evacuations, fighting fires. I know their community is grateful for their service.

AFM is exploring ways to specifically support the firefighters in Ukraine – now and after the war (Equipment was a need before the war and there is still a need for more equipment).   We are also looking into ways that we can support the firefighter’s psychologically and spiritually.   If you are interested in getting involved with AFM’s efforts to serve firefighters in Ukraine please email and we will get in touch with you!   

Here are some pictures from Ukraine as AFM worked there before the war: